Friday, December 2, 2011



okok..first of all, I'm not a subuh type of person myself

my definition of suboh type:

bangun sebelum suboh tuk prepare pegi masjid then stay there for any short tazkirah then balik n  then make breakfast..lepas tu sapu2 luar rumah etc2..(xtdo balik sampai abt tgh hari..) heehee

I think it's obviously because I'm a lady, n hence I dont think I need to go to d mosque every suboh as how the men need to attend the mosque.

HOWEVERRRR... I think I should try to atleast wake up when the men wakes up too, n instead of tido balik, I reckon I should read the koran, zikir n start my day early by helping my mum out with all the house works.

Because honestly, it feels bad to wake up at 10am almost everyday and then regret that I should have could spent that hours of sleeping by doing soo much useful stuffs..

BUT ya know whatt.. masjid Bukit Jelutong here are willing to help you people  ^^
so, just now during suboh my whole family went to d mosque cuz ada program jom suboh tu.
"jom suboh" is basically a program where d aim of it is to attract people especially youngters (yeah like us) to attend the mosque every suboh!..

and so they had many many many kinds of activity such as for today; they were having a ceramah, then breakfast (mkn free again weeeee) after that melawat rumah org tua-tua, then azan suboh competition for youngster !(comeyhh je)..
FYI, they r having this program for every saturday n sunday for only this month..(if i'm not mistaken la tapi)heh
And it does'nt actually happen during suboh, but until 5pm!..
it's great though, cuz budak2 sekarang pong tgh cuti dak?:)

Cumaa...emm...just a liitle bit comment and thoughts la kan..
since it tries to attract youngsters, I guess they should shorten the duration of tazkirah after suboh..
cuz just now it was like almost an hour..and I had to washed my face twice!
maybe 15 minutes, short but informative tazkirah will do ;)
then, they can move on with the aweeessooomeee activitiesssss...

orite dats all . Jom suboh my friends!