Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Aku fikir .
Apa pulak baju nak pakai esok?
Tudung apa yg matching?
Minyak keter dh nak habis. Cukup ke tuk balik nanti?
Perlu ke aku minta maaf dari mama? Salah ke aku?

Aku fikir.
Siapakah Jodoh aku? Dia kah?
Banyaknya Pinggan di dapur yg kena basuh
Kain xlipat2 lagi
Malam ni aku patut masak atau beli je dari Kedai?
Baju untuk kenduri x ada lagi. Mcam mana ni?
Kasut yg sesuai?
Malam tadi aku x cukup tidur, habislah eye bag lagi.


Tiba-tiba lagu “so soon” by Maher Zain berkumandang.
Mungkinkah ini salah satu cara Allah memberitahu aku, “wahai Dhamirah, benarkah kau  mempunyai masalah?”
Tetiba aku malu pada diri, betapa kecil masalah aku sebenarnya..
Macam mana agaknya saudara ku di Palestin? Rohingya? Syria? Africa?
Masalah mereka lebih berganda-ganda besarnya. Namun, tabah dan sabarnya mereka dijanjikan Syurga!
Bukan “nk masak atau beli” yg menjadi tanda tanya tapi “cukupkah makanan?”
Bukan pinggan mangkuk yg menjadi kerisauan, tetapi rumah..masih adakah rumah pada hari esok?!
Bukan “patut ke aku minta maaf pada mama?” tapi “masih adakah keluarga untuk dibelai esok?”

Sahabat, saudara saudari..
Apalah sangat masalah kita pada hari ini..


"Jangan kata Allah aku punya masalah, tapi katakan pada masalah yang aku punya Allah maha segalanya! "(Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib)

Monday, February 25, 2013


When I was a small kid, I wanted to be in the air force. Yes. Ganas indeed.

But, as I started to grow up, my parents have helped me in shaping my path and future.
Since my dad has been in the corporate world, he has shaped me in such a way that someday I will be in the corporate world as well.

Frankly speaking, that was not what I wanted in my life. I never ever planned that someday I will look at the companies reports, discuss about money, staying alert on what is happening on the world economy etc etc.
I had a big dream when I held my SPM certificate that is to be an aeronautical engineer. I don’t know why but the aeroplanes have fascinated me since young.

However, my dad’s dream was bigger.

Guess what, I like being in the corporate world. Talks about money, investments, millions/billions ringgit projects. Of course, I have not yet reach to that stage of making decision. However, I have experience helping the corporate to make decision even if it was as little as preparing the price summary.

Say you are driving by a building; some will be amazed by the design of the building and will ask “who is the Architect?”
Some will be amazed on the structure and strength of the building and ask “who is the engineer?”
But, who initiates it? A company.

Yes, we don’t know how to design a building in such a way it is beautiful in the eyes of the society.
Yes, we don’t know what to use as the foundation of a building.
But, a company has to know every story behind the building.

The architect must have consent from the company before proceeding.
The engineer must have consent from the company before proceeding.
All of that just to make sure everything is under control and as planned by the company.

Here, I am not saying that being in a corporate world is the best. Yet, I am just emphasizing that being in the corporate world has its own challenges and joy as well. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


hey hey.
Have you ever got a D or an E or even C for your Math?

Seriously, I once HATED MATH so much.
During those times, I wished and prayed that I will never ever ever be involve in numbers.

why?because I rather be involving in Math than reading the whole book.
But how did that happen?

Firstly, I am thankful to God and mama for introducing me to a superb Math tutor.
His name is En.Badri. Since then, he is my favourite teacher.
He taught me that in Math, you must understand the concept!
You cant just memorize the examples.
Because in exam, the numbers and rules will be the same. In fact! The question will be the same, but rather than finding "x", they'll change it to find "x" in terms of "y".

Once you have understand the concept, it will be fun to practice again and again.
Until some point, you will get addicted to it.
You will feel the most SATISFACTION AND PRIDE when you are able to answer a question that your peers found it hard and almost impossible to answer. haha.

I use to fail Add Math terribly when I was at High School.
So then, I started to ask myself. Do you want to get an E for your SPM?! of course NO.
SO, I invented a strategy. (cewahh."invented" gitooh)
So here's what I did:

I knew that the exam paper consisted of 3 parts.
And for every part, the examiner has allocated the sufficient amount of time that we should spend on on each part. Say, 40 min for part 1...45 min for part 2

So every morning, before I started studying other subjects, I will give myself the recommended time to answer  one section/part.

So, if this morning I have done part 1 for 40 mins..tomorrow I'm going to do part 2..n the day after I'm going to do part 3..
then after that, I will repeat the whole process..again and again for each morning before I started studying others.
The reason is simple, it helps me to keep the pace and to trained my brain to be focus..
Its a good start to a day as well.

DON'T worry if you cant answer any question. DON'T panic. And DON'T give up.
ONLY check and compare your answers after you have finished answering a section.

In Shaa Allah!
by the time SPM, you are all ready! :)

ps: I am not trying to be bajet, I am not so good in Math myself..still needs lots of help.
Just sharing my experience during my days of studying for SPM.

ALL THE BEST! Man jadda wajadda 


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Manusia tidak punya perasaan.

Aku bangkit lagi, dari jatuh..
Melihat screen pc..cuba membaca proposal yg diberikan..
Aku cuba memahami tapi alangkah kesalnya, mata ku pada screen, namun fikiran ku melayang ke angkasa..
Aku bingung, apakah ini..

Tiba-tiba lagu itu berkumandang,
Aku teringat suasana pada waktu aku mendengar lagu itu..
Aman dan damai, bahagia bergelak ketawa dengan sahabat andai..
oh indahnya..
ke mana perginya aku yg itu..

Sahabat aku katakan yg aku tidak mempunyai perasaan,
oh aku tidak pernah tersinggung dengan kata-katanya,
Sebaliknya, aku mengiyakan ..
aku mengakui, itulah aku...manusia yg "tidak punya perasaan"

Namun, bagaimanapun..aku tetap manusia..
Lalu, hari ini..aku tertanya lagi..mengapa aku begini..
bukankah aku sepatutnya manusia yg "tidak punya perasaan"
mengapa fikiran aku melayang tah ke mana..

Puas aku memujuk hati...
"Hati, tolonglah panggil fikiran tuk kembali.."
katakan padanya, sudahlah..jangan kau merayau lagi..

Aku manusia tidak mempunyai perasaan..
Tapi hari ini Allah telah mengajar aku,
yg Aku adalah manusia juga..
Dia meniupkan perasaan..
Menguji kekuatan imanku..

Aku manusia "tidak punya perasaan"
oh ya RABBI! oh ya Rahman! oh ya Rahim! o ya Allah!
sungguh, aku telah sombong dengan Mu,
menidakkan apa yg telah Kau anugerahkan..
berpura2 untuk tidak menjadi manusia biasa..
kerana sungguh....aku sebenarnya manusia mempunyai perasaan...

yaAllah..kembalilah aku pada masa itu..
masa aku bersama sahabat ku..
semasa aku rasa tenteram dan damai..
Ampunilah aku Ya Allah..


Yang sangat mengasihiMu,
(Manusia yg mempunyai perasaan)