Sunday, September 15, 2013

Islam is protecting me (Part 1- The Role of Wives)

Again about Women.
I am so glad that the care for women has grown in this world and that many like to talk and discuss about it. Some says women should be treated equally to men. Some just want to rule.Some are feeling oppressed. While some are just happy with what they have now. :)

So, during one of my "malas-nak-belajar" night, I went to Youtube and looked for any interesting documentary/talk show/ceramah to watch. And guess what! I've found an interesting talk show (debate show?) that talks about "Does Religions underestimate women?" .What a really interesting topic !
As Islam being one of the famous religion in this world, "oppression of women (?)" in Islam was also one the "hot-topic" being discussed.


Oh I pity this girl so much! She converted from Islam just because she has misunderstood the verse! I wonder if she has read the whole verse or maybe just converted once she heard the word "canning"?  Pity Pity Pity. May Allah gives her the "Hidayah".
Actually, Allah swt says in surah An-Nisa:34:

"But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike (lightly) them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."

You see, Allah swt has put it in steps. First, you advice. Then, if that doesn't work, you kinda need to ignore her. (just for a while and not like totally ignore her), finally only if they are still stubborn then only you could strike them. Strike here doesn't mean canning (like how you imagine in prison!). It's a punishment which is intend to teach not to hurt. Not only that, the husband is totally forbidden  from slapping his wife on the face.  It has been agreed by many Islamic scholars that the third step is best to avoid as avoiding it is nearer to the character of Rasullullah saw. 

Next, she has also mentioned about "Wives need to obey their husband in WHATEVER circumstance". In "WHATEVER" circumstance????????? Seriously I could not find that neither in the Quran nor the Hadith. Neither the Quran nor the Hadith say women need to obey their husband even when the husband is treated them miserably. 

"Why wives need to obey their husband but the opposite don't happen?"- Simple, I say.."Imagine how the earth will be if men need to obey their wives!? ".Yes, I know you are a very intelligent smart woman who could lead the society, but how about the other emotional women out there?(Especially when PMS). If both needs to obey one another, how is that going to happen? Anyway, good news for you, Islam does say men needs to obey to women. And these women are their MOTHER!. Don't you think it's fair now? Women need to obey their husband, while men need to obey their mother. Remember that obeying here means to support, to care for, to be the "wings", not to be treated as slave. It also means "prioritization". Sure, husband need to love and care for their wives, but they need to love and care for their mother more. However, husband still need to treat both of them justly. 

Islam promotes good negotiations and discussions within family. Islam also cherish the wives' point of views. I still remember a lovely story when Rasullullah's saw wife was nagging to Rasullullah and the wife's mother said to her- "How could you nag to Rasullullah like that?! shame on you, respect him!" then, instead of supporting his mother in law, Rasullullah said-"It's okay mother, let her nags. It's okay, she has helped me a lot with the house works..she has supported me countlessly and now she is just tired..let her nag to me, it's okay "     :') 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Good news:With Hardship, there is relief !

Semalam, rasa sediiiiiihhhhhh sangat bila tengah2 buat online exam tetiba ada teknikal problem, tgh2 exam tu call faculty 3 kali, takder org angkat..last2 email lecturer. Lecturer kata ok dia bg yg baru. Tetiba bila "online paper" baru, yaAllah! soklan pertama dah panjang lebar (yg paper b4 ringkas dan direct aje)..Allah..Allah.. ada juga beberapa kali masalah teknikal berlaku lagi..yg sedihnya, tetiba diri menjadi cemas dan risau sebab masa dah banyak habis...bila sampai soklan sng tiba2 minda xboleh fikir..hbs je masa, air mata hampir mengalir...sedih ya Allah sedih. Terdetik rasa sia2 belajar dalam beberapa saat.astargfirullah..

Hari ni, tiba2 aku terdengar ceramah di Youtube ttg belajarlah kerana Allah  ..
Kebetulan pula pop out link tu kat webpage Youtube.

"Sebab apa sebenarnya kita belajar?adakah kerana pujian?pangkat?sijil?atau duit semata2?"-Ustaz Kazim..
"sehingga sampai xlulus ujian sedih, xlulus ujian rasa gelap masa depan..apakah org yg mendapat sijil itu mengamalkan ilmunya atau hanya menggunakannya semata2 untuk mencari pendapatan?".-Ustaz Kazim

Tamparan dan kesedaran pd diri..subhanallah!

Sama-sama muhasabah, kita kdg2 terlalu senang dgn kehidupan sehingga kita rasa lemah,sedih dan sebagainya hanya dengan baru diuji sedikit. Mungkin kita mmg sudah berusaha, berdoa dan sebagainya..tapi kalau Allah kata belum! maka belum lagilah kejayaan itu untuk kita. Pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya..
Mungkin Allah ingin aku belajar lebih kuat lepas ni! mungkin Allah nak suruh aku tengok balik hubungan aku dengan manusia-manusia yg lain terutamanya ibu dan bapa ku!, mungkin Allah mahu mendekatkan lagi aku padaNya, mungkin Allah ingin mengingatkan kita tentang tujuan utama kita mencari ilmu.

Bila terjadi begitu, seperti mengingatkan diri yang segalanya adalah milik Allah! Seperti drebar bmw yang bukan milik kita, begitulah hidup ini dipinjamkan pada kita..Apa kita patut sedih bila tuan punya bmw ingin memandunya? kerana sememangnya kita hanya drebar!

Sungguh aku amat iri sekali bila ada orang diuji lebih hebat dari ku dan mampu berkata "AlhamduLilah"! Aku iri kerana Allah memberinya ujian yg banyak kerana aku yakin Allah merasakan dia lebih kuat dari ku untuk menempuh ujian-ujian itu, dan sudah pasti ganjaran yg orang itu perolehi lebih besar! Aku juga iri kerana masyaAllah sabarnya dia menempuhi dugaan tanpa sedikit pun wajahnya memaparkan kesengsaraan yg dialami...

Sama-sama saya dan kamu berusaha ambil iktibar atas segala ujian yg dihantar pada kita. Sememangnya, kita mampu berusaha dan berusaha kerana kita tak sempurna. ..