Monday, May 23, 2011

god exists?  ada lah sedikit sebanyak ilmu yg sy boleyh kongsi ngan rakan2 kalo2 org tanya..apa bukti kewujudan tuhan?

"what makes You think that God exists?"
"WELL... by answering that, I'm going to ask you some questions. Why do u wake up each day? why people were born and died? what are the purpose of all this? are we just somethg in this world that are just going to live and die, just like that?"


" To me, I was born to understand the creation of God. To learn from it and to praise Him for all His greatness. To me, death is a test that every man will face. There will come a judgement day after death, a day when all your deeds and sins are going to be judged. And if you pass, you will get the reward, which is the beautiful heaven. Otherwise, you will be punished in the horrifying hell.  That is all the reasons for why I believe in God. I believe theres God because I'm not living for nothing and die for nothing. I'm living for Allah, and die when He calls."

ni apa yg saya mampu jawab insyaAllah..and if kalo ada lagi yg boleh ditambah, sila bagi tau ye..thanks!