Thursday, October 6, 2011

why not hudud?

Sesungguhnya Islam itu adalah bukan agama paksaan..

So much things are going around these days.
Tak lupa jugak kepada mereka yang sebuk membincngkan ttg hukum hudud.

well, there's a story I would like to share with you guys, somethg that I have read during my leisure time:

In Makkah, there was a man, he has commited a crime.
He has murdered somebody in the past..
and so, by law of Islam, someone who has commited a murder has to be sentenced to death as well (IF THE FAMILY OF THE VICTIM AGREE)..that is what I understand, please do correct me if I'm wrong ya.
HOWEVER, as I always say, Islam is such a beautiful religion.. Allah itu maha penyanyang., so since that man had some children and his children were still young and still dependent on him, he was said to be sentenced to death only when his children and wife were independent enough to live without him.
and so, years after years, he had lived and when the time had comes, he was sentenced to death infront of the public somewhere in Makkah..

His death ceremony wasn't a cruel one. There were people who prayed for him, the person who was incharge to end his life prayed that he will be in peace and will be forgiven by god..

And then, his life was ended there..

Based on my story, the thing I'm trying to tell you people is that, hudud is not cruel as what some people thing..
tidak semestinya kalo, sesorg itu mencuri, terus kena potong tangan..kerana akan ada banyak step2 yg perlu diikut dulu sebelum kita membuat keputusan untuk memotong tangannya atau tidak..
dan pada yg berzina..tidak semestinya juga terus direjam, again, we need to follow the steps guided by the quran..

Hatta seorang perempuan yg telah berzina dan membunuh anaknya sendiri pun telah berjumpa dengan Nabi Musa a.s, lalu kerana dia bertaubat, dia telah diampun oleh Allah..

Hatta seorang anak perempuan yg hampir mati kerana telah cuba membunuh diri pun, aibnya dipaksa tutup oleh khalifah Umar bin al-Khattab apabila bapa kepada perempuan itu menanyakan samaada perlu menceritakan perihal anak perempuannya itu kepada suaminya nanti..

Some people have kept saying that the world is better without hudud, n yet the war is still there,
crime rate is still raising, people who came out from jail are still doing crimes.

Sesungguhnya Allah itu lebih mengetahui makhluk2 ciptaannya lebih dari makhluk2nya sendiri...think about it people..

Say, [O Muhammad], "Do you argue with us about Allah while He is our Lord and your Lord? For us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds. And we are sincere [in deed and intention] to Him.(al-Baqarah; 139)

perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.(al-Baqarah;216)

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